3d File Browser - A work in progress

Its an idea I've had for a long time. In movies, most of the time, whenever a computer is being used, especially by hackers, they zoom through the files and stuff in 3d space. Before I knew anything about computers, I would marvel at the incredible skill of these imaginary hackers as they flew their way into incredibly secure systems.

Sadly, however, thats just not the way things are. Instead of zooming through the data, we have vista. But what if someone made a way to view your files in 3d? hmmmmm...

In case you didnt pick up on it, I did it. Use the arrow keys to go foreward and back, and the mouse to look around. Yellow boxes are folders, plains are files. Image files actually show up, and text files will scroll with a preview of what they actually say. Please download it and test it! I would love feedback on what to add


I suggest unpacking it in your my documents folder, sense there's more there to browse through. Also the folders labeled '..' will take up up a directory, and the '.' will refresh everything.